What is Snake Bite?

A snake bite is a puncture wound caused by the bite of a venomous or non-venomous snake. Snake bites can result in varying degrees of injury, from mild swelling and discomfort to life-threatening symptoms such as respiratory distress or paralysis.

First aid response to a snake bite focuses on preventing venom spread, managing symptoms, and seeking medical assistance promptly.

Initial actions include keeping the casualty calm and immobilising the affected limb to reduce venom circulation. Cleaning the bite area with soap and water and applying a sterile bandage help prevent infection. Monitoring the casualty's vital signs and observing for signs of shock or allergic reactions is crucial. Depending on the snake species and bite severity, specific anti-venom treatment may be necessary in a medical facility.

Bite from a snake requiring immediate medical attention.

First Aid for Snake Bites

Takeaway to Remember

Snake bites can be dangerous and require immediate first aid and medical attention to prevent severe complications or death.


ReferenceFirst Snake Bite